Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Alex the Paperback

Quick show and tell.

Alex is coming out in paperback (August in the States, and the fall in Canada), and I just got the cover from my publishers. It's not that different, but different enough that I wanted to share with you guys! In fact I thought we could play a little game called "spot the differences" where you guys can . . . spot the differences . . . between this and the hardcover version. The winner wins my unending respect and title of King/Queen of Awesomeness.

Enjoy! (btw, the title and my name I believe will be in foil - ooh shiny!)


Jandroos said...

Hmm, this sounds like fun. There have been some Very Important Changes. Let's see...the picture of the dude with the monocle and the guy with no eyebrows as been moved to the back. The same is true for the picture of the Daughters of the Founding Fathers' Preservation Society. Eoin Cofler's quote is on the cover rather than the back. There is now a short blurb about the book, and your bio on the back. Alex now wears a cat on her shoulder, and the squid tentacles at the bottom of the front artwork are gone. There is a blurb from publisher's weekly added to the back. The fonts for your name and the title are different. The title's banners are also a different color. Crown me King of Awesomeness!

Cate Gardner said...

Keep enjoying it, Adrienne.