Wednesday, April 04, 2007

My American Cover!

Ta da! After weeks of not being able to share it, finally, may I present to you:

Isn't just beautiful and fabulous! This is the American cover for my book, done by the incredibly talented John Rocco, and you must go visit his site right away to look at his other work because, well trust me, it's worth it. Anyway, I love how Alex (who is supposed to look like a boy, but isn't one) looks like a boy but obviously isn't one. I love the gleam on the sword, the sea and sky behind her. My little old ladies look so awesome, and my two gents genuinely creepy.

I am super excited about the whole thing. Of course best of all is just seeing my name at the bottom of everything. That just totally blows my mind.

I am still eagerly awaiting the UK cover, for which I have seen some really cool sketches, and am really excited about it because it looks like the artist will be drawing a whole host of characters (I've always felt that the book was more about the people Alex meets on the way than the actual story). So stay tuned . . .

(. . . seriously, isn't it just so cool!)


Therese said...

OMG, it's incredible!!

Really gorgeous and compelling.

Makes me want to write books for kids so I can get covers like this!

I should see my own US jacket design soon...and I hope I love it; you know what they say: a great cover is worth thousands more copies sold!

Lesley Livingston said...

I am so ridiculously thrilled for you. Of course, you already knew that but - still. Dude. I mean - DUDE.


(honestly? makes the new HP covers look like amateur nite - imho...)


Linda D. (sbk) said...

Wow, that is sooo gorgeous! You must be absolutely flying right now.


(by the way, it's sbk from the blue board)

Nathan Bransford said...

Congratulations, that looks great!

The Bill Cochran said...

I had to come visit your blog after your nice note on Verla Kay. Your cover looks freakin' sweet.

Adrienne said...

Thank you guys so much! Such amazing support, seriously!

therese: can't wait to see your cover too!

lesley: dude.

linda: totally flying. But to be honest the day my editor told me who my artist was and I checked out his website I was thrilled. Been flying since then!

nathan: thanks! And thanks for stopping by! (and guess what's on tv tonight!)

bill: thanks for the visit! And it does look freakin' sweet doesn't it!

Jon Clinch said...


This is absolutely fantastic.

And yeah: I want to write for this audience now, too...

Ray said...

That's one beautiful. Simply gorgeous. Congrats.

poetinahat said...

Congratulations, Therese - it looks marvelous, and I love the title!

poetinahat said...

er, that is, I mean, Adrienne... (sorry)

Aprilynne Pike said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just passing through...
From one Canadian (middle grade)writer to another--
Totally wicked cover! The kids will love it and definitely pick it up...
Can't wait to read it.

Anonymous said...

That's a superb cover! And, since UK covers are generally better than US covers, I can hardly wait to see it!

Do you have any idea when the UK artwork will be ready to show?


Peter Halasz

Annie said...

I second the "gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!"

Heather Brewer said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Adrienne said...

Gosh thank you everyone!

jon - no, you must stick to writing incredibly poetic, dark and disturbing books for grown ups. Sorry.

leanne - go Canadian middle grade writers!

Peter - have no idea when the UK cover will show itself. I am quite looking forward to it, I don't mind telling you.

And to everyone else who dropped by, thank you so much for the support! Seriously, it's always much appreciated!

Carolyn Burns Bass said...

What a fantastic, wonderful, bright cover. John Rocco rocks. The book sound clever and YOU rock, too.

Derek Molata said...

Now that is a brilliant cover. Congrats. :)

Anonymous said...

This looks great! A good book deserves good cover art--thumbs up!

Trish said...

Gorgeous cover! Congrats! I can't wait to read this book!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing cover! Go you!