Ladies and Gents let me introduce to you my ARC (Advance Reading Copy) of Timothy and the Dragon's Gate!
Ta- da!
(For those of you not in the know, an ARC is what publishers send out several months before the book is actually published to garner reviews, blurbs and hopefully a bit of buzz. Last year I got so excited about my ARC for Alex that I just had to give it a name. I chose Ted.)
I am very happy to say, that along with my page proofs, I am just as thrilled to have the Timothy ARC as I was with Ted. It's a truly amazing feeling seeing your words bound together like a real life book and with such a stunning cover - which is the official cover by the way. You'll note there have been a few tweaks.
I also enjoy carrying it around with me in my purse and showing it to random strangers. Because I have no shame.
Yes, I love my ARC. He is so pretty. He is so very book like. He makes me feel that my life is pretty darn okay. He's proof that I actually managed to write another book. I have two books. I have a series. Adrienne Kress is the author of a series. I can't quite believe it! Wow.
My ARC rocks.
So now. . .
Let me present to you . . .
In all his glory . . .
My ARC of Timothy and the Dragon's Gate!!
I think I shall call him Montgomery Van Murphy the Third.
(note - this is the actual original Ted, that ARC of Alex I carried around with me everywhere, you can see how worn he is!)
This is very exciting.
Go you!
Thank you guys! It is very exciting indeed!!
Very nice!
These covers are gorgeous -compelling - very exciting indeed!
Woohoo! Congratulations!
That is splendid! I'm so happy for you!
Thanks again all for the support!!
Adrienne, you are hilarious. The ARC looks beautiful. Can't wait to pick up a copy. I really enjoyed Alex.
I hope one day I can squee over the same type of thing.
Also, I've followed your blog for a while, and really related to your surprise that you actually finished your first novel and got it sold.
So now, what was it like tackling the second one? Did you have self doubts? Any moments of complete freak-out? Just curious.
Woo-hoo!! Congrats!! Yes, ARC's are very exciting. The book looks AWESOME!
So that's the second book, I was looking for it (And the title) everywhere, and it looks cool!
What wonderful news--I'm already a fan and you just keep getting better. (Really it's not fair to the rest of us.) Congratulations!
Cool! Congrats.
Super Duper Cool, Adrienne! The design meshes well with your first book. I can't wait to read it, and I'm sure my niece will also enjoy it (after I'm done with it, of course!)
They both look great. Congratulations.
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